The impurities in man are EGO (I and me), SINS (karma) AND ILLUSIONS (maya). These three forces attract human beings into the materialistic world and cause sorrows in a vicious circle.
These impurities are the results of imprints which are inherited from parents and forefathers and from the results of one's deeds. The bad imprints tempt human beings to commit the dont's, which are
- Telling lies
- Stealing
- Killing or harming
- Gambling
- Violating one's modesty
If one acquires any of the above mentioned sins, it brings in all other sins with it. All the religious practices and places of worship came into existence only to help man get rid of his impurities. The religions create the fear of God in human mind and shape up the mind and body for realizing the higher self.
I don't belong to any religion because, I have realized that there is only one Supreme power, which we address as GOD with different names...