Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Simplified Yoga

The style of yoga which we follow was devised by Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi, an Indian saint. He attained enlightenment in his very young age. He had a burning desire to ease the pathway of  yoga so that normal men and women can attain their higher self. He found that the main reason behind why people do not pursue yoga is its austere disciplines and the knotty postures (shh..laziness too) despite its conspicuous and exhilarating benefits. With his mastery in Siddha, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicine, and a zeal to formulate an effortless system of yogic lifestyle, he evolved 'SIMPLIFIED YOGA'.

I have posted the super easy asana part of the simplified yoga and its benefits already. The yama(dont's) and niyama (do's) are about moralizing the habits and character.The urge and an effort towards this leads to peace and wisdom. Men and women are born and grow up with instincts like
Snatching others' prosperity
Destroying others' freedom

These are called the 'ANIMAL INSTINCTS'.
When these animal instincts are stronger, there is no love or compassion. And I feel this is the reason for all crimes and wars in the world, and we are thriving for world peace...The world peace cannot come from somewhere outside, it is within us. Within each and everyone of us... 
Individual man's peace leads to peace in family, it leads to peace in a community, then peace in the country, and peace in the countries will lead to world peace. Hence it is very important that every man and woman keep on improving himself and help his family and friends improve to attain their greatest version. 

Maharishi has simplified the methods of self refining. He has given a series of exercises for the body, soul and mind which comprises an individual. It is infact our duty to make it a staple. Cause, we need to create a world of peace and harmony, where our progenies are going to flourish...

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