Monday, June 13, 2016

What is yoga?

YOGA is a combination of science and philosophy...certainly not a religion. It has a great influence on and elevates spirituality irrespective of our religion. Once we start practicing yoga we can realize that it is neither religious, nor unattainably 'Eastern'. 

Yoga stands for 'oneness', union with our own 'self'. Due to ignorance, we are always divided from our 'self'. This is a journey of consciousness, that takes us to meet our true 'self'.

Most of the people think of only asanas and meditation as yoga. Yoga, in essence is a life style.The style that changes our life. There are eight disciplines under a yogic life style, which is called 'ASHTANGA' in Sanskrit. 
Yama -  dont's or self control
Niyama - do's or self-restraints
Asanas - yogic postures or exercises
Pranayama - yogic breath culture
Prathyahara - with drawl of senses from external objects or the outer world
Dharana - steadying the mind
Dhayana - meditating or concentrating on one object
Samadhi - total abstraction or attainment of higher self

The complete yogic discipline helps us to withdraw from the attractions and distractions of worldly life and realize the greatest version of our'self'.

It is true that the first practitioners of yoga were the saints and recluses. They realized the importance of a state of perfect and healthy psychosomatic harmony as a prerequisite to the successful pursuit of any important goal, be it spiritual or materialistic. Hence they imparted the knowledge of yoga to all men and women.

It is a proven and demonstrated fact that normal men and women, while giving full and effective attention to their work routine and family life, can adopt the practice of yoga. And welcome a great deal of physical and mental benefit to themselves and their family, improving and excelling in all aspects of their lives. It can be utilized with equal efficiency to fulfil objectives other than ascetic too. Hence it is not a compulsion but a free choice...

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