Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food is a famous quote.
And it is a fact that the right choice of food and the right way of taking it is the mantra for a healthy living.

No disease that can be cured by food can be cured by medicine. Changing the food changes the life...

We can classify food into five types depending upon their value.

1. Natural raw  vegan food : they are whole foods, which come with delicious taste (like apples, carrots) and balanced nutrients and enzymes within them. Easily assimilated by the body, as the enzymes in them help digestion and absorption.

2. Value added vegan food : like sprouts. Nutritive but less tastier.

3. Cooked vegan food : tasty but less nutritive.

4. Meat food :  Tasty and assumed to be rich in protein, which is a myth. Where do the animals that we slaughter for food get their protein from? They get it only from the plants they eat. Similarly we can get all the proteins that we need from the plant based food, the water we drink and the air around us.

5. Refined food : Full of sugar and salts. The body is left with a big question mark about how to digest the food. It has to rob the energy stored already in the cells (especially the liver and kidneys) to help in digesting.
We feel refreshed and energetic immediately after we take a cup of coffee, isn't it? It gives us an instant high, followed by a terrible crash. This is because, all the energy stored in the liver and kidneys are poured into our bloodstream to enable the organs in the digestive system to digest the coffee. The feeling of refreshment is only temporary and our body actually loses the stored energy that can be used incase of emergencies.

Most of the food that we take today would not be familiar to our grand mothers. Now a days, we are very much concerned about health and its relationship to what we eat, but we have handed over the responsibility to the faceless corporations...

About 90% of food that we see in the shelves of the supermarket today were not available 100 years ago, when people lived more healthy. Now the markets are flooded with a variety of mouth watering food items and the people are gifted with various diseases.

When hungry, the body longs for nutrition. If we are going to simply satisfy our taste buds, the body will be deprived of vital nutrients and become sick in due course. We can live a life free of diseases that are associated with our lifestyle if we set a priority to what we eat every time we are hungry. 

Eating a plant based diet and avoiding processed food make us light. Nature has blessed us with fruits and vegetables with all the minerals and vitamins that are needed for us to thrive in.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Human beings have not come directly from God. 
The divinity gave away the five elements of nature - the aakash, air, fire, water and earth. Then came the billions of stars and planets. The first living thing could have been a unicellular organism, slowly became five sensed animals. Finally man evolved with six senses and during this process, he has got the karmas or the imprints from animals, which are called animal instincts.

Except plants all other living beings kill other animals for their food. While doing so, the killed animal's body is harmed and it is deprived of its right to live. This is called grabbing others' property. But this is justifiable, because they can't grow or create their own food.

Take a look at this video to see how animals are being tortured in a slaughter house before they are butchered.


Me and my friends were beaten up by an impatient worker into a truck. 

No place to turn or move...Where are we going? we were clueless!

It was a long journey...I was terribly hungry and thirsty, seeing my friends die of the same.

Atlast the truck stopped and we were eager to eat and drink. But alas! what was happening!

We were driven into a building, could see terrific sights and hear disturbing sounds...
Extremely frightened and confused...

Oh what has happened? slash!!!!! Before I could realise that it was my turn, it was all over. But I was still not completely out of consciousness...

I had never experienced such a pain and agony with fear and confusion so far...Is it a hell or what is called as slaughter house? 

Six sensed man can grow food from natural resources. He need not kill animals for food, fur, skin etc. When he eats their flesh and blood, the energy of death and degeneration associated with the killing of animals enters his body.  He behaves like animals, does not exhibit love or compassion. This is a very important reason for the violent activities of man.

The urge to get elevated to the higher self must come from within. Veganism is a brilliant approach for elevating human consciousness. A lot of people don't want to be vegan just because they do not know the benefits of the food they are going to be in for.

I have been a vegan for more than 15 years and it has changed my life that I can't describe to you. But, it has helped a lot. In a nutshell !!!!

How to become vegan?
A lot of people turn vegan, and after sometime turn down saying, "Yeah, this is not for me". Don't just jump into the vegan life style straight way. Take a small step every time and eventually things are going to change. You are super powerful...There is an easy, yet effective way of doing it. First start eating  a lot of plant based food, say 80% and the rest according to your own wish.
By concentration and consistency, you can refurbish the mind and body.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The IYAMA (dont's)



The impurities in man are EGO (I and me), SINS (karma) AND ILLUSIONS (maya). These three forces attract human beings into the materialistic world and  cause sorrows in a vicious circle.
These impurities are the results of imprints which are inherited from parents and forefathers and from the results of one's deeds. The bad imprints tempt human beings to commit the dont's, which are

  • Telling lies
  • Stealing
  • Killing or harming
  • Gambling
  • Violating one's modesty

If one acquires any of the above mentioned sins, it brings in all other sins with it. All the religious practices and places of worship came into existence only to help man get rid of his impurities. The religions create the fear of God in human mind and shape up the mind and body for realizing the higher self. 

I don't belong to any religion because, I have realized that there is only one Supreme power, which we address as GOD with different names...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Niyama continued

So the niyama is nothing but feeling and acting responsible for self, family, the entire human race and the nature. This is infact the essence of teaching of all the religions in the world. They all speak about the same thing, but in different words...

What are the niyamas to be implemented in our life?
To be honest, it is very difficult, involves a great deal of alertness in each and every second of our life to bring in a harmony in what we think, say and do. We must take an oath to follow the fivefold culture I have mentioned below to embrace the desirable changes.
       I will live healthy and  productive
       I won't kill anybody for my food
  1. I won't hurt anybody's body or mind 
       I will do the needful to those who are in pain and poverty
       I will respect the freedom of others

Swearing these vows daily and a covenant effort to fulfill them will lead to a free, successful and ecstatic life. We feel so good about ourselves without the need for anyone else's approval. This happiness becomes a journey, and not a destination. 

The Do's (Niyama)

The modern world has drawn us far far away from a healthy lifestyle. And the modern medicine gives us the courage to continue. It's an illusion indeed. According to me, living in absolute health is life...otherwise it's simply an existence. We begin to understand the virtue of being a human being only when we have a sound mind in a sound body. And unfold our true self...

When we analyze our thoughts and deeds, we can understand that all of them are against the law of nature and these are repeatedly getting imprinted in our genes. Theses are the obstacles to a peaceful life.When we become our own judge (definitely no one else can judge you right), we can eradicate all those mistakes that were committed knowingly and unknowingly and refurbish our body and mind. this leads to a civilized society in which we can flourish.

So what is the 'Ethics' or the virtuous living or the Niyama?
In Maharishi's terms, it is...pursuing only those thoughts, words and deeds that do not harm ourselves and others' body or mind either in the present or future. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Simplified Yoga

The style of yoga which we follow was devised by Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi, an Indian saint. He attained enlightenment in his very young age. He had a burning desire to ease the pathway of  yoga so that normal men and women can attain their higher self. He found that the main reason behind why people do not pursue yoga is its austere disciplines and the knotty postures (shh..laziness too) despite its conspicuous and exhilarating benefits. With his mastery in Siddha, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicine, and a zeal to formulate an effortless system of yogic lifestyle, he evolved 'SIMPLIFIED YOGA'.

I have posted the super easy asana part of the simplified yoga and its benefits already. The yama(dont's) and niyama (do's) are about moralizing the habits and character.The urge and an effort towards this leads to peace and wisdom. Men and women are born and grow up with instincts like
Snatching others' prosperity
Destroying others' freedom

These are called the 'ANIMAL INSTINCTS'.
When these animal instincts are stronger, there is no love or compassion. And I feel this is the reason for all crimes and wars in the world, and we are thriving for world peace...The world peace cannot come from somewhere outside, it is within us. Within each and everyone of us... 
Individual man's peace leads to peace in family, it leads to peace in a community, then peace in the country, and peace in the countries will lead to world peace. Hence it is very important that every man and woman keep on improving himself and help his family and friends improve to attain their greatest version. 

Maharishi has simplified the methods of self refining. He has given a series of exercises for the body, soul and mind which comprises an individual. It is infact our duty to make it a staple. Cause, we need to create a world of peace and harmony, where our progenies are going to flourish...

Monday, June 13, 2016

What is yoga?

YOGA is a combination of science and philosophy...certainly not a religion. It has a great influence on and elevates spirituality irrespective of our religion. Once we start practicing yoga we can realize that it is neither religious, nor unattainably 'Eastern'. 

Yoga stands for 'oneness', union with our own 'self'. Due to ignorance, we are always divided from our 'self'. This is a journey of consciousness, that takes us to meet our true 'self'.

Most of the people think of only asanas and meditation as yoga. Yoga, in essence is a life style.The style that changes our life. There are eight disciplines under a yogic life style, which is called 'ASHTANGA' in Sanskrit. 
Yama -  dont's or self control
Niyama - do's or self-restraints
Asanas - yogic postures or exercises
Pranayama - yogic breath culture
Prathyahara - with drawl of senses from external objects or the outer world
Dharana - steadying the mind
Dhayana - meditating or concentrating on one object
Samadhi - total abstraction or attainment of higher self

The complete yogic discipline helps us to withdraw from the attractions and distractions of worldly life and realize the greatest version of our'self'.

It is true that the first practitioners of yoga were the saints and recluses. They realized the importance of a state of perfect and healthy psychosomatic harmony as a prerequisite to the successful pursuit of any important goal, be it spiritual or materialistic. Hence they imparted the knowledge of yoga to all men and women.

It is a proven and demonstrated fact that normal men and women, while giving full and effective attention to their work routine and family life, can adopt the practice of yoga. And welcome a great deal of physical and mental benefit to themselves and their family, improving and excelling in all aspects of their lives. It can be utilized with equal efficiency to fulfil objectives other than ascetic too. Hence it is not a compulsion but a free choice...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Why do we need to exercise?

I can hear a lots of people saying that they don't have time to exercise. It often makes me wonder on how they are not able to spend some time for themselves... and only themselves. It is we who have to do it, no one else can do it for us.

No gift is greater than the gift of knowledge. The knowledge of practice of yoga is perhaps the greatest of them all. It is not at all difficult to acquire at the level you and I can practice. Once we have this knowledge we will not find it a bed of nails, but a bed of roses, a source of radiant joy and of scintillating health.

First of all, we need to be ready for changes and accept them in our life. Sticking on to our old belief system will not help us realize our higher self. 

Now I'm going to reveal the greatest secret about the importance of exercising...
  The real reason behind why we need to exercise is that it helps us erase the bad imprints in our genes. As we all know, we have in our genes, the imprints of all the living beings, that with a single sense (touch) like plants, two senses (touch and taste) like worms, three senses (touch, taste and smell) like ants, four senses (touch, taste, smell and sight) like snake, five senses (touch, taste, smell,sight and hearing) like elephant. Man evolved with all five senses and additionally with the reasoning capacity as the sixth sense. If we note carefully, we can find that we have in our genes the characteristics of all the organisms and depending upon the environment and the situation, one character shows up. We are sometimes calm like an elephant, sometimes ferocious like a tiger, sometimes cunning like a fox, sometimes creepy like a snake and so on. We do deeds driven by the imprints in our cells. The more the bad imprints, the more we do bad deeds. 

  We are repeatedly and unconsciously recording bad imprints in our cells through our bad actions. What are bad actions? all the actions that are carried out in an emotional state, causing physical or mental pain to others and ourselves either in the present or future are bad. They create bad imprints in our cells and the imprints prompt the actions when the situation comes. Even when we think of changing them, we are not succeeding, because they are rooted deep into each and every cell of our body. In a particular situation, the cells prompt us to carry out the kind of actions that we are used to. For example, if you are used to take a coffee right in the morning as you wake up from the bed, every morning your cells will prompt you to take coffee immediately after waking up. Similarly if you are used to bang up on somebody when they go wrong, you will be triggered by even a small mistake committed by them. 
   Bad imprints affect our physical and mental well being. The body gets various diseases and the mind is always distracted. Not only that, they are also transferred to the children through the genes, the children start with a bad credit. 
  Exercise brings in a positive rhythm in the cells and the body is rejuvenated. By being consistent, slowly we can get rid of all the bad imprints in the cells. Then the body comes under the control of mind. Diseases are cured and prevented. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Relaxing after exercising is as important as exercising. While exercising, our body is heated up. Hence it is very important that we relax lying down simply with the eyes closed and cool down our body. While doing this, we have to imagine each and part of the body, from toes to head and feel that they are relaxed. We can even sleep for sometime if we feel like. 
Relaxation pacifies the entire body and helps us swing into the normal chores after exercising.


In this step, we touch the specific acupressure points on the body to stimulate them and equalize the short circuiting of the energy flow through various channels (called meridians in acupuncture). 

  • This is a very good preventive exercise for blood pressure and heart attack.
  • As the energy flow is regulated, pain in the body parts is relieved. Pain is nothing but a short circuit of energy in the channels carrying energy in the form of electrical pulses to the parts of our body. So pain is felt in the place where there is a short circuit. If this short circuiting is not treated and it is prolonged, ends up in a disease in that part.
  • This also helps in reducing the stress and strain in the nervous system.
  • Helps cure insomnia. Promotes good sleep.



In this part of the exercise we are massaging the stomach area, breasts, ears, temples and the face.
By massaging, we are actually regulating the distribution of bio magnetic energy through the parts. As we know, availability of bio magnetic energy is the key to proper functioning of the body parts.
  • As we massage the stomach area, all the internal organs like stomach, liver, small intestine are stimulated and this helps in proper digestion of food we intake.
  • Massaging around the breasts ensures that the bio magnetic energy is equally distributed throughout and there is no fat accumulation around them, preventing breast cancer.
  • Massaging the ears and their peripheries cures hearing impairments. And as per auriculotherapy, this is equivalent to massaging all the internal organs. because there are acupressure points of all the organ channels on the peripheries of the ears.
  • Massaging the face upwards and downwards stimulates blood flow throughout the face and helps it glowing. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Benefits continued


  • As the eyes are rotated in all directions, the tissues around the pupils are well activated. This corrects the shape of the lens, maintains it circular.
  • Eye glasses can be removed on regular practice. Prevents rise in power.
  • Prevents eye diseases, eye pain and irritation.

  • Cures Sinusitis and Eosinophilia
  • Expels dust from lungs, wind pipe and nostrils.
  • Oxygenates brain cells. Helps improving memory power.
  • Keeps the body active and energetic.

Note: People suffering from heart diseases, Hernia, Blood Pressure should take master's advice before practicing this posture.

  • Exercises all the spinal nerves (central and autonomous) and the muscles in our back. Hence aging is slowed down.
  • Regulates all the endocrine glands.
  • Controls and cures diabetes, nervous tension, blood pressure, sciatica, back pain, cervical pain.
  • Helps burn fat in the body. Hence reduces weight. Muscles are strengthened
  • Reduces belly.
  • Cures menstrual problems. Eases delivery. 
  • Cures impotence.
  • Entire body is refreshed and helps remaining active throughout the day.

Note: Pregnant ladies should not practice all the supine postures of makarasana.


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Benefits...posture wise

If we tilt a bottle containing a liquid thoroughly, the contents get distributed evenly throughout the bottle. Likewise, by moving the parts of our body in all possible directions, we distribute blood flow evenly throughout our body. Hence heat circulation, air circulation and bio magnetic energy circulation in the body is regulated. 
Note that we get pain or disease in a particular part of our body only if any of these three circulations is confused (more or less) or ceased.

  • Hands and shoulders are strengthened. Their rarely used muscles and joints are exercised.
  • Trembling of limbs, joint pain, numbness, arthritis are cured.
  • The functionality of lungs is improved greatly.
  • Brain cells, its glands and nervous system are activated.

  • Legs are strengthened.
  • Blood circulation in stomach and abdomen is regulated.
  • Sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, numbness are cured.
  • The meridians that carry energy to all the organs end up in our feet and hands. By massaging the pressure points in the feet, we activate the nerves of all the important internal organs like heart, lungs, stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines, liver, kidneys, sexual organs and glands, head region, brain, spinal cord etc. 
  • Cures diseases in the nervous system, respiratory system and all muscles.
  • Activates lower abdominal region and its internal organs. Helps reduce fat in those areas.
  • All the air sacks in the lungs are activated through systematic full breathing. Hence cells throughout the body get oxygenated.
  • Cures asthma, bronchitis, allergies, sinusitis, laziness, headaches, insomnia.
  • Relieves psychic diseases and Epilepsy.
  • Improves memory power, grasping power, alertness.
  • Orderliness becomes a habit.
Note: Pregnant ladies should avoid neuro muscular postures.

        Monday, May 9, 2016

        Here are some samples...

        Hand exercise
        Preparatory Hand Exercise

        sample of leg exercises

        Neuro muscular exercise

        Breating exercise to full your lungs

        Stress releasing spinal exercises

        Wow...isn't it a pleasant surprise that exercising is soooooo easy ?
        Will let you know the benefits of all the steps in  my next post.

        Tuesday, March 29, 2016

        Benefits of Simplified Exercises

        The Exercises they taught were very simple and easy to do. No strain or pain. I could do them all in a relaxed manner. I think this is the point which made me practice it regularly. By then, I had browsed through the internet to gain some knowledge about Indian traditional yoga. I had found that traditional yoga is little hard to do and it involves a lot of postures and step by step procedures. But these exercises were different and very simple. Nevertheless, I had a doubt about their benefits. I asked the master too. I was told that  the simplified method includes exercises for the whole body from top to bottom, both internally and externally and they give all the benefits of traditional yoga, without much strain and time consumption. Anybody, above eight years of age can start and do the exercises. And there is no upper limit! Even an 80 year old man or woman can do it.  It is true!! I would say, this is the one that is suitable for our modern life style. It takes hardly one hour a day. I think it is pretty worthwhile, investing on our health.
            If you want to learn them too, I will let you know the link consisting of the exercises video. You can learn it from a certified practitioner and do it regularly. 100% guarantee for a sound body & mind. They are not doing it as a business. It is purely a service to mankind. If you happen to go to India, you can learn personally. They charge very very nominally for course, accommodation and food. 

        I practically found that 
        -my overall physical and mental wellness has improved
        -my body is supple and no back aches, shoulder and leg pains
        -my digestion has improved
        -my stamina has improved, I am not exhausted even if I work all day long
        -I am getting quality sleep. Feeling fresh and recharged when I wake up in the morning
        -I am not afraid of anything
        -I have developed a positive outlook
        -I have got rid of my addictive habits

        Above all, I got rid of all my pills and medications. This is the greatest accomplishment I could ever have.

        Friday, March 18, 2016

        In the yoga class...

        In the yoga class I was taught very very simple exercises. I am sure anybody can do it without much strain. The most lovable part of the class was the lecture they used to give before the exercises. The explanations and reasons behind why we should practice yoga is awesome...

        Here is what I was told, and I experienced it for myself within a short period of sincere practice !

        The first thing that we have to have is a strong willingness for undergoing some changes for better living. I really mean it, because normally people start doing yoga with a great interest, but lose it so soon, switching back. It is of no use. 

        Actually all humans have body, mind and life force. The life-force is the key for existence. If it gets separated from the body, death occurs and the mind also ceases to exist. To understand better about the life force, just try this...

        • Keep your palms facing each other, but wide apart.
        • Close your eyes and pay attention in the area between your palms.
        • Bring your palms closer together slowly, then move them away. Continue moving the palms back and forth while you are still concentrating in the region between the palms.
        • You can feel a magnetism between the palms.
        • That is actually your bio magnetism and it is there because of the existence of your life force.
        This is a simple experiment for you to feel your bio magnetism and the life force. Even digestion, metabolism, respiration and all such involuntary and voluntary actions of our body happen because of the existence of the life force. If your life force is intense, you are healthy and if it is weak, you fall sick and become unhealthy. Unhealthiness leads to diseases and diseases lead to death.

        YOGA is nothing but preserving harmony between the body and life-force, between the life-force and mind and hence between self and the society. 
        Now a question comes, how to preserve the harmony?
        To preserve harmony between body and life force, three things in our body need to function in a proper pattern with precision (precision means neither high nor low).They are our blood circulation, heat circulation and air circulation.
        To preserve harmony between the life force and mind, there is a special practice called 'KAYAKALPA'. 
        And to preserve harmony between the self and society there are practices for sublimation and social welfare.
        And above all, meditation helps one feel the divine force. That is indeed the very purpose of our life on Earth.

        Thursday, March 17, 2016



        "At last  I have experienced the true bliss of healthy living through yoga. Yes, I have, really !!"

        I am a yoga teacher and an acupuncturist...
        A journey from unconsciousness to consciousness...

        It all started when I visited a yoga center in my locality on a week end. I was there just as a visitor. I could see some persons doing exercise, but it was strange to me. 

        The friend who took me there said that it was 'SIMPLIFIED YOGA'. I was interested in learning it and immediately joined the class. But they did not teach me anything that day. Asked to come the next day with an empty stomach.

        The next day...
        Eagerly and more curiously, I went there. They first gave me an introduction about about YOGA and started teaching me the exercises first. Yes, yoga is not only exercising our body, but it involves a lot of stuffs for training our mind too. 

        I will share all that I have learnt & experienced, with you. Will keep posted...