Sleep...six hours for a man, seven for a woman and eight for a fool...
That's how we have a generalized view about sleep.But actually, nobody can ever define how long a person must sleep. Not  even us, it is our body that has the right to decide on it.
Before we talk about how long to sleep, let us first know what sleep is.
  We know that all our activities are governed by the central nervous system, which in turn comprises of the autonomous and the peripheral nervous systems. The involuntary functions like breathing, digestion, blood circulation are carried out by the autonomous system and the voluntary actions like walking,functions of senses etc are carried out by the somatic or the peripheral system. We are functioning physically and mentally at the cost of the bio magnetic energy in our body. Hence the bio magnetic force is the operator of our body.
   When the reserve of bio magnetic energy goes too low, the body becomes sick.  It is necessary that  we always maintain a particular level of bio magnetic energy in the body for our well being. So whenever we have depleted our bio magnetic energy either through physical or mental work, our central nervous system shuts down the somatic system to stop all the voluntary activities and the involuntary functions alone proceed. Hence our body stops moving and we sleep. During sleep, the bio magnetic energy is replenished from the air and the cosmic energy around us. And we wake up automatically once our bio magnetic energy is fully recharged. We feel fresh and active.
   Note down that it is our body that decides on when and how long to sleep. Not the clock not and not the alarm. If you have the habit of waking up on an alarm in the morning, then every day you are depriving your body off its required amount of sleep, which will lead to health issues. Obviously, the duration of the sleep will differ from person to person, depending upon their activities. 
Now a question comes, what to do if I fall asleep till late in the morning, and I have to go to work? 
The answer is...go to bed early! early to bed and early can you rise.

The quality of the sleep we get decides our physical and mental health. What is a quality sleep?
No matter how long you sleep, you ought to have a deep sleep without dreams. Having a disturbed sleep means that there are a lot of disturbances in the sub conscious mind. And quite a lot of our bio magnetic energy is leaked out through the mind in the form of dreams.

To get a quality sleep...

  • Ensure that the dinner you had taken has almost been digested before going to bed.
  • Brush your teeth before going to bed.
  • Sleep with your head in the south direction. Earth is a big magnet and your body is a small magnet.  The polarity of upper body is north and that of lower body is south. Sleeping with head in the south will cause a closed loop flow of magnetic energy between the body and the Earth's magnetic field. Hence you will get an undisturbed deep sleep.
  • Always sleep in a well ventilated room.
  • Make sure the temperature around is about 37 degrees which is same as the normal temperature of the body.

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